PS Senior Grade 7 Quiz

Course Highlights

Online Sessions

DIY Activity Kit

D-Learn Mentor Support

Earn Reward and points

100% hands on experience

Course Syllabus

  • Electronics
    • Diodes
    • Exploring a Simple Circuit
    • Resistors and Resistance
    • Series & Parallel Circuits
    • Touch Sensor
    • Electronic Harmonium
    • Soil Moisture Detector
  • TechKraft
    • Automatic Water Tap
    • Bunny Bot
    • Dark Sensing Bot
  • Arduino
    • Arduino IDE
    • Blink an LED
    • Chasing LED
    • Pattern LED
    • Pushbutton with Serial Monitor
    • Single Lane Traffic Control System
    • RFID Door Lock System
    • Voice-Activated Home Automation
  • IoT
    • Introduction to IoT
    • Home automation using IoT
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